This lady had been a regular attendee at the practice for years but had been putting off treatment for a long time because of the complexity of it. However when the UL2 (the tooth 2nd to the RIGHT in the photos) became infected and had to be removed – she decided she wanted the white teeth she had always wanted.
The treatment presented many complexities, chiefly that the lady did not want to be left with a gap at the front for obvious reasons…and did not want a denture. However a permanent bridge cannot be placed for several months after a tooth is removed.
So the UL2 was removed and the patient was provided with a temporary bridge. While this was being left to heal we could undertake a course of whitening to the patients desired shade and replace some of the posterior crowns with CEREC crowns and some of the less aesthetic fillings were replaced.
The final stage of treatment was to place crowns and a bridge for the front six teeth to finish the restoration
Treating Dentist – Russell Gidney
Case Categories:
BridgesCERECComposite FillingsCrownsWhitening
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