This is quite a simple case but demonstrates the importance of careful planning.
The young lady presented asking me to trim down (Enameloplasty) the long UR1 to match the left. She was not interested in orthodontic options. However I felt that the shorter UL1 was a too short and that this would not give a good result.
So before we provided any definitive treatment we went though a mock up phase, first blocking out the longer UR1 to simulate the enameloplasty (Mockup 1), second a quick mock up of the result placing a composite filling on the UL1.(Mockup 2)
It turned out we were both wrong – and the result you see here is a combination of the two techniques. The UR1 has been trimmed down slightly and the UL1 has been added to, to match at a more ideal incisal edge position.
Treating Dentist – Russell Gidney
Case Categories:
Composite FillingsEnameloplasty
Mockup 1
Mockup 2
Final result
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