What we eat affects our bodies in numerous ways. Your diet also affects your teeth. We are always told about the things that are bad for our teeth but it seems that everything is bad for us one way or another. The aim of this advice sheet is to reinforce the foods that are bad for your teeth and also give you some idea of a diet that is generally healthy, but particularly good for your teeth!
We should all know some of the things that are bad for our teeth. Here is a quick list of the most obvious:
The reason that fizzy drinks are bad for your teeth is because they are high in acid ingredients, just read the side of a can of cola to see! This means that diet drinks are no better for your teeth than normal varieties, because they still contain the same acid.
You can still get caught out if you avoid fizzy drinks. Squashes and fruit juices contain natural acids, although at lower levels than fizzy drinks. Flavoured and carbonated waters contain acids as well.
Foods can contain acids as well. Most obvious are citrus fruits like oranges but also in green apples. The tart flavour comes from citric acid which can attack your teeth as much as any can of pop!!
Sweets are the most obvious source of sugar however any intake can help to cause decay. Particular caution needs to be taken to find foods that contain hidden sugars. Baked beans, ketchup and diet foods are all examples of foods that contain significantly higher sugar concentrations than you would expect.
The foods above are bad for your teeth. Some foods are neutral. The following diet suggestion contains some neutral foods but also some foods that actually help fight tooth decay as well as look after your general health:
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