On the day of an extraction, try and have as normal a day as possible. In particular, make sure that you have had something to eat, a full stomach is better than an empty stomach. Never alter any medications for an extraction unless specifically instructed to do so by you dentist or GP After a routine extraction most people are able to return to a normal days work, as long as this does not involve particularly strenuous exercise. After your extraction:
You can eat and drink as normal, trying to use the other side of your mouth as much as possible. It is best to wait until the anaesthetic has worn off, which usually takes about three hours.
Some discomfort after an extraction is normal. If the area is particularly uncomfortable, or you suffer from bleeding that will not stop after biting on a handkerchief then contact the surgery.
From the following day, rinse 4 times a day with warm salty mouthwash, a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, for a minute. This helps bathe the area, aiding healing and reducing the risk of infection. Carry on with these mouthwashes for 1 week after your extraction.
If you have any concerns following your treatment then contact the surgery on 01291 624515 where you can be give advice and an appointment if appropriate.
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