The development of dental implants opened new avenues for the dental profession – the loss of teeth was not the end… now we can replace them.
Implants have been developed to utilise a variety of systems to allow for the replacement of a single front tooth to providing frameworks for full mouth re-construction when all teeth have been lost.
Dental Implants can last incredibly well but it is essential that they are placed in the correct manner, by experienced hands, in the correct place, in a well-maintained mouth to get good results. Once an implant has integrated with the bone it cannot be moved. If the implant is not well maintained then it will loose bone support (similar to gum disease) and when the bone has gone the implant will fail – and cannot easily be replaced.
BPDS implants are placed to offer the best chances of success
Implant assessment – £35.00
Single tooth implant – from £2200.00
Denture retaining implant – £1300.00 each
Implant supported denture – £1400.00
How long will my implant last?
Implants last exceptionally well but do not last forever. Appropriate planning, skilled placement and excellent after care all contribute to how long your implant will last. Certain factors can increase the chance your implant will fail such as smoking or inadequate home care. Research has shown 95% of implants are still functioning in 15 years with appropriate maintenance.
Is an implant the best option for me?
The simple answer is not necessarily! Implants are fantastic but not always the most appropriate option and a full discussion with your dentist or an implantologist needs to consider the most appropriate choice for you. However it is generally true that other treatments can reduce the life of the other teeth in your mouth
What is the best implant to have?
There are numerous companies making dental implants with different ranges. There is no one best implant. It would be sensible advice to ensure you know exactly what system is being used in your mouth, if only because this information will help future maintenance. However ensure that you are being treated with a “pedigree” system. Cheap alternatives can be enticing – but a failed implant is infinitely harder (and more expensive) to manage. The mainstream system such as Straumann and Biohorizons used at BPDS are researched and tested to ensure they have the best outlook.
What causes implants to fail
The implant itself is incredibly strong and is unlikely to physically fail. However the implant is held in the bone in a similar way to your tooth. The most common failure is an equivalent to gum disease. “Mucositis” is the early stage, similar to gingivitis – the early stage of gum disease. This shows as bleeding from around the implant. Bleeding is not normal with an implant and should be taken as an early warning sign! Per-implantitis equates to gum disease and results in loss of bone around the implant which will lead to failure in time.
The restoration on the implant can require maintenance depending on the type of restoration used.
© Beaufort Park Dental Surgery | Site last updated January 2025
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